Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pleasure Island

There are three main pleasures I look forward to these days: eating, sex, and watching telly. Which do I enjoy the most? I think it might actually be eating as last night I was fantasizing about how good it was gonna be to go to the pizza buffet tonight. Eating at home is nice, but munching on thin crust pepperoni pizza and dessert sticks with a Cherry Coke nearby is ecstacy. I've had to be more cognizant lately about taking my time eating at the pizza place in order to prolong the pleasure (this strategy can also be applied with sex).

I only watch TV shows that I am genuinely interested in. I feel better lying in bed in a fetal position than watching something on TV that's not doing anything for me. My favorite programs to watch are Ghost Hunters (the only really compelling part is when they show the client the evidence they caught), Modern Family, Inside the NFL, Community, The Office, 30 Rock, Lost, The Amazing Race, and Big Love.

I'm also thankful for a number of smaller pleasures: taking a long bath while reading a good book, hanging out with the cat and dog, and a not-inconsiderable bowel movement.


Rocketstar said...

Sex wasn't first, interesting. So your dream three way woudl be to be...

Doing it from nehind while wathing tv and munching on a big slice of pizze, nice.

Sarah said...

Modern Family, Cougar Town, Community, The Office, HIMYM, Big Bang Theory, Charger Football (what's that again?).

I forgot what sex was like. Maybe I should order a pizza instead.

Unknown said...

what's that? sex? hmm....sounds like fun, you do it or eat it thomsy?
suffering from eating disorder, can't keep 'em in for long! throw up most of it......sigh....
used to luv "lost", but now am totally lost on lost.....
rock: so

Randy said...

Very different TV selection and ideas. I need to veg out at the end of the day and will watch lousy sitcoms so that I don't have to think. "The Mentalist" is one of my new favorites along with "Men of a certain age" (I'm that age). Jeopardy is always a favorite, but that's different than the veg-out idea.

I rarely talk about the other subjects you mentioned.

ExtraO said...

Eating is truly one very pleasurable activity. I'm a fan of Cherry Coke as well.

Timothy Smith said...

Eating and watching TV are not even in my top 10 but of course sex is. I like Rockets idea except my favorite food is sushi...and...well...nevermind.