Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Philosophical Ponderings on Local Vegetation

It's an interesting sight on my block. Some folks have perfectly manicured grass, just grass with no other vegetation. Others have a shitload of dandelions amongst the green stuff. One of my favorite childhood memories is smelling one in my backyard one afternoon.

The sun was bright and the lion was the color of that sun.

I was surprised recently to hear that dandelions are considered a weed. The next door neighbor regularly sprays for such "weeds", killing them without hesitation. It all seems a bit racist to me. Both grass and lions are living things, but only the grass is considered worthy of life? There's no question I have a little Buddhist in me, well, more than a little, hopefully.

You can imagine my distress earlier this week on learning that my wife and a friend had set out to kill the dandelions and other weeds we have in the front yard. I told her not to do this again, but that if she must, to spare the dozens that we have in the back yard (I felt like Oscar Schindler trying to save as many Jews as he possibly could, but knowing that for many others, it was much too late).


Nikki Neurotic said...

I like dandelions too, plus, you can eat them (though, I have never tried). Now why in the world would people want to kill off viable food?

Rocketstar said...

I agree, a 'weed' is in the eye of the beholder. On our 6th grade trip to Camp Isabella in northend MN, I remember that we picked and fried dandelions and ate them.

Unknown said...

gr8 post...i always wonder why are they called weed...those bright yellow flowers are so pretty.....:) weeds are plants with flowers too....nature is's us....our ways, understandings, interpretations and choices are imperfect....someone once sed....a garden is nature under totalitarian rule....don't remember the true.....

ExtraO said...

haha... you make a reasonable point. I think "weed" simply means that it crowds out whatever else you are trying to grow there.. but if you're trying to grow dandelions then you're all set.

Timothy Smith said...

Free the weed!

Unknown said...

yeah! yeah! wanna control nature? try inventing some sprays to kill volcanic eruption in eyjafghjkmntq....(lol)so flights wont shut down, or tsunami so thousands wont get killed...or earthquakes so kids wont get stuck in rides or elevators in theme parks...betchar ass can't do OBEY NATURE!